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Exclusives are posts which feature page long excerpts from novels and half-page excerpts from novellas. They include a book cover image, praise about the novel, the excerpt and buy links. If you would like an example, head here to see my post Exclusive: Angels of Moirai (Angels of Moirai, #1) by Nicole Salmond.


If you would like to request one, please email me with the subject Exclusive Request and make sure to send the following items:


  • a good quality book cover image

  • title of your novel and if it's part of a series

  • release date

  • number of pages

  • one genre

  • praise from reviewers, awards won or a small note from you

  • blurb

  • buy links (e.g. Amazon, Goodreads, etc.)

  • page-long excerpt from novels or half-page-long from novellas


If you would like for the post to appear on a certain date, please include that, too.

The cost? FREE!

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